So many imprinted items to spread the Word
Our company offers thousands of customizable products at a variety of prices that can be turned into tiny "messengers" to deliver the Gospel. You can promote your Church or Religious Organization with promotional products on any budget. In order to get the most out of your budget, it is important to carefully plan how your products will be distributed and what goals you want to achieve. We will help you develop those plans.
Browse our Catalog
Tips for Ordering Custom Imprinted Items for Your Church
- Don't wait until the last minute. Rush orders can cost you extra in shipping charges. Overnight shipping can sometimes cost just as much as the order.
- Have a distribution plan. How will your promotional products be handed out? We can promise you that these items are not effective when sitting in the bottom of a closet in your church office.
- Order products with the targeted person in mind. Is this something YOUR PARISH would value or is it something YOU would like?
- Don't forget to have your church website address or contact information imprinted on the item. If we have room, Facebook and Twitter info might be more effective than a phone number.
- Consider what would you like the person to do when they receive your item. Join your email list? Provide information? Attend a parish meeting, service or event? Join a church group?
- The best tip we can give is to lean on our Promotional Products Specialist when ordering for your church. They will make professional suggestions and recommendations.
Imprinted Highlighters for "HIGHLIGHTING" Bible Studies and Adult Classes
Gel highlighters are a great way to promote Bible Studies, Adult Classes, and Small Groups. People LOVE these items after trying them!
These highlighters will not bleed through the thin pages of a Bible as much as a regular highlighter. They come in many bright colors, and when used in weekly classes, promotes a more intimate connection to your Bible.
Browse Bible Highlighters

Start a Conversation Through Customized Ideas
We totally understand that an imprinted pen or embroidered cap isn't going to bring someone to Christ. Promotional products are a very powerful tool, but not powerful enough to change lives or lead people to become born again. What these items do extremely well is that they start conversations.
- A customized calendar, hanging in a members cubicle at work, may trigger conversations and questions about your church from fellow employees.
- An imprinted magnet on a kitchen refrigerator may spark a conversation between visiting friends and neighbors.
In the business world, promotional products are widely used as door openers. Aren't conversations the "door openers" of the church world?
Browse Conversation StartersRush Services to provide Custom Imprinted Products for all of your Church Events
It's always good to plan ahead and order your organization's promotional products ahead of schedule. When life catches you off guard or opportunities present themselves and you need Rush Services, give us a call and we may be able to help. We have suppliers that feature one-day production on many of their products and one might be near your church or religious organization. Our Promotional Products Specialists will help guide you through your options. Call our office for more details on how we can help you.
For normal turnaround times, we have suppliers located all across the United States, so we can help you pick the perfect products for your next parish event, community event or other religious purposes.
Call 800-923-8878 and speak to one of our Promotional Product Specialists. We are ready to help you find the perfect product for your church!